Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nutritional Challenge: Drink water!

So why should we drink water?
Our bodies are made up of about 2/3 water, it's essential for temperature regulation, flushing out toxins and contributing to our blood volume which carries nutrients and oxygen around the body.

An added benefit of staying hydrated is that we often mistake thirst for hunger, so ensuring that you are drinking water regularly will help you avoid over-eating.

How much water is enough?
The general guidelines in Australia suggest that we drink around 8 glasses (240mL each, so a total of just under 2L) per 24 hour period. In reality, scientific studies in the area have found nothing to suggest any benefit of drinking more than we feel thirsty for.  That being said, many of us are not in the habit of drinking water and aren't really aware of our thirst/hydration levels, so 8 x 240mL glasses is a reasonable suggestion. Those who live in warmer climates and/or engage in exercise, will generally require more water than those who do not. (Some medical conditions require more or less water intake, so see a medical professional if in doubt).

The challenge:
When you're thirsty, choose water! (I won't ask you to give up your morning coffee as i know i won't be doing that either :) but try to choose water over soft drinks and juices. Un-caffeinated herbal teas are also a good choice).

Try to do the following:
-Sip on water throughout the day. Carry a drink bottle and have a goal of how many times you will fill and drink it.
-Listen to your body and be aware of your thirst. Usually by the time you feel desperately thirsty-you're already dehydrated.
-Have a big glass of water before snacking, particularly if you've already eaten.
-Sip water throughout exercise.
-Try squeezing fresh lemon into your water or drink un-caffeinated herbal teas if you find water bland. Soda or mineral water is ok too, just be aware of sodium content.
-Eat lots of veggies and some fruit each day, they contain lots of water as well as vitamins and minerals and will help you keep up last weeks nutritional challenge (fill 1/2 your plate with veggies)!

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